So, after last post, I asked my mom what she thought of what I wrote about my brother. She laughed, said, "Ya, I thought it was funny."
I just didn't want to give you the wrong idea about my brother. He isn't a nerd. He's super intelligent and a cool uncle, like I said. I'm really proud of him and like to tell fun stories about all the stuff he comes up with.
Oh, quickly, I was going to share a photo of him and his girlfriend at the Star Wars Celebration IV Convention, last year. He made both of their costumes from scratch.
Cute huh?
Anyway, so last weekend we had a small party for his Birthday at my mom's house.
My little sis was in the emergency room waiting for 8 hours, just to be seen. UGH! Don't EVEN get me started on that. She's pregnant, and has been really, really sick with some rare virus for a long time, since the beginning of December. Her husband and son are also sick...but she has been the worst. So, say a little prayer for her.
So, my mom was with her in the ER most of the evening. Jeff, the kids and I decorated the party table, cooked the lasagna and finished the cake for my mom. By the time we actually got to sit down to eat, it was late, I burned the bottom of the lasagna and the breadsticks were a little dry. Oh well.
So, before all of the party fun, Greg walked in the door to his own party with a gift in hand. Hmmm.
After we ate the burned lasagna, (wink), I wanted to show him the Somerset Life magazine with my article. He asked about the photos, if I had taken them, etc.
So, then, he reached over and handed me the gift he brought.
Ta- DA!
Ya, I cried. Greg said he was so proud of me for everything and I deserved it.
cool huh?
Here's the very first photo taken with my new camera.
Thanks Greg! I love you!
SO, my old camera. Hmmmm. I've been telling Jeff about how I need a new one. It's just old, and broken and scratched. I had to hold the batteries in to make it work and hope that it didn't shut off mid photo.
AMAAAAZING that I have a blog and shop that require photos.
Sad how technology out-dates so dang quick. I bought this little camera in 2003. Some friends pulled together and gave me the cash to buy $350. Funny huh?
It has made me a few bucks and helped me chronicle my life, so hey, I'll keep it around for old times sake. I won't compleeetly retire it. The kids need one to learn on, I guess.
SO, here's to you old camera!! CHEERS!
I've been playing around with my new pretty pink. I need to name it... suggestions anyone? We name everything around here. Everything has a nickname, so my camera, who will be by my side for a loooong should at least get a name.
Here's a few photos...messing around with it, sorry if they are boring, it's a test run.
Let's see, living room, thrift shop finds, works in progress, misc. around the house...
P.S. I LOVE MACRO, it's so rad.
It's so fun playing with my new camera. It's faster, waaayyy more settings, bigger screen, it's like a whole new world in the pho-tog department!
I've been working on a lot of projects, all at once, so my house is a wreck, but, hey, when ISN'T is a mess??
I'm working on a give away, so check back soon for that in the next few days. I just want to pay it forward for all the goodness.
Happy day, everyone.
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