Hi there! I made a treasury today! I've never made one before, and always just added things to my "favorites" list on Etsy. So, I heard that anyone can make a treasury now, and I jumped on the chance, finally! :) I think I'll be making a lot of these...
Check it out Here!
So, what's going on with me???
I was chatting with my friend on the phone today and confessed that I am totally burnt out. Now I'm confessing to you all, I'm going through really hard time. Things in my life lately have been really difficult. I can't go into details but I can tell you that my family is facing some really difficult things and we could really use your prayers. ;0)
My studio has been clean and sitting quietly for months now. I haven't worked on anything... no projects, no orders, no nothing! It has been a much needed break and I really want to get back in and work, but it's probably going to be a slower process than I want. I feel stuck. I really want to get in and make and create, but it's almost like I can't MAKE myself do it! I feel like my creative side has completely shut itself down for the time being. It's still there, but resting and waiting for the rest of me.
For now, I am taking it slow, looking for inspiration (the treasury took me all day!) and reminding myself of why I love creating in the first place. It takes me somewhere... to a better, happier, more expressive and more fulfilled me.
I hope you will all stick with me through this... my blog has suffered and gone unattended. Just want you to know I'm working on it and hope to be back in some capacity, no matter how small.
Thanks for stopping by,
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