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June 30, 2008



Wow you are so lucky for having such an amazing collection!
Keep up with the good work and please do show us, when it`s all donne!
By the way I total relate to you,... I`m already stressing out about how to keep my kiddies occupied this Summer and they still have x2 more weeks of school before my peace and quiet will be disturbed with:
- Mummy what can I have to eat or, I`m bored...
I hope that the x6 weeks fly by!
Kisses Kisses


Wow you are so lucky for having such an amazing collection!
Keep up with the good work and please do show us, when it`s all donne!
By the way I total relate to you,... I`m already stressing out about how to keep my kiddies occupied this Summer and they still have x2 more weeks of school before my peace and quiet will be disturbed with:
- Mummy what can I have to eat or, I`m bored...
I hope that the x6 weeks fly by!
Kisses Kisses

elizabeth holcombe

Dang, Woman!~~~You ARE my hero! What a fabulous array of rainbow goodness! Good job!~~~XXOO, Beth


Your organization is so beautiful and inspiring...it makes me want to organize my messy ribbon and lace drawers too...but I know I'll just mess them up again.

Great photos...please post more when you've organized it all! :)

Pat Jochum

Oh the colors are great. I have drawers filled with things that need to be organized. I think I organize more than crafting. Once my craft room is enlarged, I think I will "borrow" some of your great ideas. Beautiful eyecandy. Pat

Cami @ Heart-Shaped Rock Cottage

I'm with you girl. Love all my time w/ my kids, but many things are back burner and they mount and mount. You're trim mountain is amazing! You can only eat an elephant a bit @ a time...


Can you come and organize my studio, pretty please? I love the ribbons on the tags, they look so beautiful. Sometimes I feel like I am just collecting and not using my stuff. Do you ever feel the same?


Looks great!!

Mrs. Kwitty

Good for you!! It all looks so pretty like that too, and you can see at a glance what you have instead of having to dig for it--that is gonna save you a lot of time in the long run!
Smiles, Karen


Wow, it looks great. I have a lot off lace and ribbons too and its all in a box but this way of organising is much better.
Here in Holland we say: the eye wants something too (I hope you understand my english is not very good).


Your organizing makes such pretty pictures. Can't wait till it's complete!

Happy 4th!

fated follies

ooo, your organizing just happens to look so pretty! i wish mine did. happy 4th of july!



Wow! It looks great! I agree, I don't know why I out off organzing so much because it makes me feel SO good when it's done... :)

Happy summer!



Fabulous. Simply, simply fabulous. Really like the look of all of them together. Great visual appeal. Curious as to how you will "store them" once they are all completed. Will they be displayed? Put back in boxes? Do tell!

Also, so FUN to see your name and creations splattered all over Somerset Life! Congratulations!!!


you've been busy! can you come to my house?? your ribbons and trims look great! love you......shelly

Pinkie Denise

Oh wow, I am not very good at organizing at all! You did a great job, good for you! It all looks so beautiful too. Pinkie Denise

Susie~The Polka Dot Rose

You have given me hope for my own organized laces, and ribbons! Thank you for your inspiration.
Susie ~ The Polka Dot Rose


Hi Analise. Have a great summer with the kiddies! I'll check back on you once a week and see what's up. Take care. Di


I need to do the same thing, but have been avoiding it. They all sure look beautiful wrapped up. That may be all of the inspiration I need to get mine done!
If you have a chance, stop by my blog. I'm having a giveaway. :)


My organizing never looked that gorgeous or colorful, my little bella!! Very nicely done. Hubs built me some ribbon holders and I'm already thinking something else. He's gonna shoot me for sure............sigh......


Oh, dear! I do feel your pain! I organize ephemera and embellishments -- over and over! A job well done -- and it IS lovely!

Sweet Bean

When moving into my first (non-college) apartment, I needed to purchase office gear (desk, book case, etc.). I opted for black because its "neutral" and "practical" and "classic." Unfortunately, I always feel like I'm fighting to be creative in this space because it’s so not me. Yes, it’s neutral, practical and classic. It will be functional for a future home. But I miss my 100% shabby chic life. It's not me. So my studio constantly feels too stuffy and pretty to dig-in, sprawl out, and create. In short, I envy your consistent style Analise. If I had a shabby chic office/studio (the rest of my apt. is…), I would enjoy it more and create more. I just love your style and your work!!! Thanks you for letting me live vicariously through you!

Cheryl Dack

I love it! So inspiring to see all that yummy trim bundled up so sweetly. I'm coming over to play!!!! ;)

Heidi Woodruff

Analise, Your trims now sorted are beautiful! The colors are so soothing to the eye! I hope you are enjoying the summer and the organization both!

Linda and Laura Lilly Cottage

Oh they look so gorgeous presented like that, like chocolates in a chocolate box..no better than that because they are non fattening. Wonder if I can brave my collection to do the same but then I might be disappointed when they don't turn out the same as yours....maybe I shall just stare at your neat and tidy collection for a bit longer to motivate me...kiss noises Linda Lilly Cottage.

Ele at A bit of Pink Heaven

Gorgeous trims! Congratulations on Somerset!

susans at black eyed susans kitchen

Excellent job organizing. The way you put the colors together was very inspiring for me. Just lovely. Susan

Clever Karen

Great idea to use tags! Love it! It always feels great when you get something organized.

Cindy (JunqueArt)

oooo those trims are all soooo pretty! glad you are having a good summer. we are staying busy too!

Susan Ramey Cleveland

I love all your pretty laces and trims. I'll bet it feels good to have them all organized.


Analise, I just love how your organization project is coming along. Your trims look so pretty wrapped on the shipping tags. Where are you going to keep the tags once you are all finished...in some pretty container, no doubt. I hope you show us the end result when you are all through!


Oh, how pretty all your ribbons & laces look. I've been wanting to do this myself. I feel like I spend all my time organizing over & over & never have time to MAKE ANYTHING!


Hi Analise...I know how you must feel, both before and after the organizing. It's very hard to have everything the way we want it, all of the time (impossible, really)...Especially those of us with little children and elderly parents to take care of (the sandwich generation)...I think I'll have a Cosmopolitan this evening!...Take care, Katie


Wow, want to come to my house next and organize? It looks fantastic.


What a wonderful idea! I love how this looks ~ I know that you're loving having it all organized like this, when you're finished I'd love to see how you're going to store them....xxoo, Dawn

Sadie Lou

I keep looking at that one trim on the bottom row to the left with the blue polka dots! Darling! Good for you--I wish I hadn't read this post because now I can't look my craft closet in the face without feeling a little guilty & ashamed.
I also hear you on the laundry piles.


Well it all is looking much better! Whew..
Hugs, Diane


Looking pretty, I hear you on the organised business, check out my latest post, might make you feel better! Rachaelxo

Lisa Hessabi

I know what you mean!! I've been thinking about this issue, too!! Why is it so hard to organize, and so easy to get messy?!?! Your trims and ribbons are tdf, and they already look terrific!! Keep up your hard work and think of how fabulous it will be when it's all done!!
Hugs & smiles,

Suzanne Duda

Holy Cow! That is a whole lot of gorgeousness! I love it all! xo suzanne

Brenda Kula

Yeah, I went through this last week. Organized fabric. Put things out where I could see it so I wouldn't buy duplicates. It's a constant chore if you "collect" lace and thread and stuff. I'm with ya!

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